Community Sponsor of K-W Ribfest & Craft Beer Show

Friends, family and co-workers gathered for this annual three-day event celebrating great BBQ and delicious Ontario craft beer. Over 35,000 attendees were present at the event spanning from July 20-22.

2018 marked the 15th Anniversary of K-W Ribfest, exploding with flavours of barbequed ribs and chicken, great craft-brewed beer, with live entertainment – all in the open atmosphere of Victoria Park in Downtown Kitchener.

Everyone enjoyed samples from 19 great Ontario Craft Breweries, a couple of our favourites were Wellington Brewery, Bobcaygeon Brewing Company, Waterloo Brewing Company, Rhythm & Brews Brewing and Nickel Brook Brewing Co. to name a few. For those who felt like an alternative, Dixon’s Distilled Spirit and Shiny Apple Cider hit the spot with their spirits.

K-W Ribfest has implemented several programs to support and give back to the community. Donations to the Food Bank of Waterloo Region are taken at the gate in lieu of admission. Since 2008, they have raised $51,682.27 and 13,669 lbs of food! A Green Management program was established in 2016 to better recycle and compost waste. In 2017, they managed to divert over 50% of waste from landfill.

Events like these are staples of summer in Downtown Kitchener and are anticipated all year by the locals and because of this, are a great opportunity to connect with the community. It is important to nurture these experiences and grow our region through founding relationships. K-W Ribfest also has an admirable social and community reponsibility that align with our Regions’ needs.

Great fun (despite the clouds), looking forward to next year!